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Metal Gear Solid V Phantom Pain Nuclear Weapon Development UPDATED

Metal Gear Solid V Phantom Pain Nuclear Weapon Development


four Eyl 2015 @ 9:34

İlk olarak ReddoReaver tarafından gönderildi:


You can develop nuclear weapons at some point. I visited a supporter'southward FOB and he had 4 nukes sitting there on his base


(Yasaklı) four Eyl 2015 @ 9:39

U need to look until miller tells u to build a b29 after u build it he gives u a complimentary nuke to bomb hiroshima.

It'south under the resources tab to the far right. Not nether develompent as 1 would look.
Hope this helps!


eight Eyl 2015 @ 7:xiv

İlk olarak Pontuzz tarafından gönderildi:

It's under the resources tab to the far right. Non nether develompent as one would await.
Promise this helps!

Thank you

75k fuel and 24 hrs to develop, they are insane :steamsalty:


eleven Eyl 2015 @ 8:14

It's amend to steal nukes and dispose of them than build them yourself anyway. The nuclear deterrance FOB invader thing is disabled to anyone with 150,000 Heroism and has reached Affiliate 2 anyway.

Disposing of nukes gives a fair amount of heroism, especially the bonus afterwards yous practice ten. Building nukes will pigment a target on your head, people will come afterward you to steal them.

I wonder what happens when yous nuke someone elses Fob. Peradventure with their own nuke? :ten


11 Eyl 2015 @ twenty:27

İlk olarak Greb tarafından gönderildi:

It's improve to steal nukes and dispose of them than build them yourself anyway. The nuclear deterrance Play tricks invader thing is disabled to anyone with 150,000 Heroism and has reached Affiliate 2 anyway.

Disposing of nukes gives a fair corporeality of heroism, specially the bonus afterwards you do 10. Building nukes will paint a target on your head, people will come afterwards you to steal them.

I wonder what happens when you nuke someone elses FOB. Possibly with their own nuke? :10

I recollect thats a chip to belatedly i have iv nukes already and I'm not looking for heroism anyways :P

İlk olarak spy :3 tarafından gönderildi:

İlk olarak Greb tarafından gönderildi:

It's amend to steal nukes and dispose of them than build them yourself anyway. The nuclear deterrance Fob invader affair is disabled to anyone with 150,000 Heroism and has reached Chapter ii anyway.

Disposing of nukes gives a fair amount of heroism, especially the bonus after you lot do ten. Building nukes volition pigment a target on your head, people will come afterward y'all to steal them.

I wonder what happens when you nuke someone elses FOB. Possibly with their own nuke? :10

I call up thats a bit to late i have 4 nukes already and I'grand not looking for heroism anyways :P

but you wont be able to nuke FOBs owned past players with 150k heroisem points.

If not for this very game, request how to build nukes on the internet would keep the FBI decorated all freaking night.

İlk olarak kordulus tarafından gönderildi:

If not for this very game, asking how to build nukes on the internet would go along the FBI busy all freaking nighttime.

the more reason to ask effectually on here haha .. that's soo funny .,i never thought virtually that

so how do yous actually use them though? i had 8 now i have four but i accept no idea what happened to the other 4, is it manual or automatic? where are they stored? can i preemptively nuke someone? what does nuking someone do anyway?


17 Eyl 2015 @ 21:14

İlk olarak kordulus tarafından gönderildi:

If not for this very game, asking how to build nukes on the internet would go on the FBI busy all freaking nighttime.

You really recall the FBI is the slightest bit interested in people request how to build a nuke on public message boards? Anyone smart enough to go the materials wouldn't be dumb enough to enquire on a forum 'how do I build a nuclear bomb?' nor if they did would they ever discover someone who actually could exercise so via that method. Therefore they tin can safely ignore any such questions.

İlk olarak FUBAR tarafından gönderildi:

İlk olarak kordulus tarafından gönderildi:

If non for this very game, asking how to build nukes on the cyberspace would proceed the FBI busy all freaking dark.

Yous really call back the FBI is the slightest chip interested in people asking how to build a nuke on public message boards? Anyone smart enough to get the materials wouldn't be dumb enough to inquire on a forum 'how do I build a nuclear bomb?' nor if they did would they ever find someone who actually could do so via that method. Therefore they can safely ignore any such questions.

the FBI doesn't care who'due south smart enough or dumb enough. They don't accept any chance. And it's non most bulletin boards. questions like these are tagged regardless of where they spawn. i am sure subsequently they investigate it they won't care only y'all saying they shouldn't bother investigating is the absolute opposite of their very proper name. There will never be a time the FBI is like " oh look a random spike of people asking how to build weapons of mass devastation on the net.. hmm none of them are obviously smart plenty to build it.. we volition just ignore information technology. prob aught"


En son kordulus tarafından düzenlendi; xviii Eyl 2015 @ 2:59

Practise you have to invade other players FOBs online to steal nukes or is there a offline chance?


Metal Gear Solid V Phantom Pain Nuclear Weapon Development UPDATED

Posted by: suzannearownevally.blogspot.com

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